Monday, June 11, 2012

Case study: Bright red clothing

Thanks to Chasity from Ohio for allowing me to use this gorgeous photo in this post.

This article relates to my previous Strategies for managing out-of-gamut clothing post, which I suggest you read first if you haven't done so already.

Red clothing is a hassle, isn't it.  Well, any vivid-coloured clothing can be, but red seems to plague us most often.  Check out this photo.  That red outfit is as cute as all get-out, and so wonderfully bright!  It makes you swoon (although it also burns a cyan imprint on your retina if you look at it for too long!!!).

But there are two problems.  Inter-related problems, but different.

Comments or Questions?

If you have anything to add or ask about this article, please visit me at my Ask Damien page.