Monday, October 25, 2010

Shift while brushing

I have been surprised to discover that not everybody knows about the Shift key.

Lol!  Obviously everyone knows about the Shift key.  What I mean is, not everyone uses it in conjunction with their Brush Tool, particularly while masking.

The principle is perfectly simple - try it yourself and see.  Take your brush tool, and click once to paint a dot somewhere on your image.  Then hold down the Shift key and click somewhere else.  The Brush Tool will automatically draw a straight line between one point and the other.

Now, I guess you mightn't have to paint straight lines all that often, but gradual curved lines are a fairly frequent matter, at least for me.  For example, if I'm masking around someone's body, the Shift key is my best friend.  Rather than trying to paint the mask freehand, I can do it much faster and easier with a series of Shift-clicks around the subject.

There were only three or four clicks in the above line, whilst holding down the Shift key.  In this way, I can mask around an entire person in lightning-fast time.  Once I've done the outline, I can easily fill in the rest of the mask with the Paint Bucket tool.

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