Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Using Photoshop's Gradient layer

This one is for Julie, from my Facebook group.  Julie wanted to remove the distracting bright orange toy from this photo, and was having trouble cloning it out.

Now, let's be clear - cloning definitely is the "correct" way to do this.  It could be done with some patience, using this method.  But when I asked Julie if she'd be happy with the "lazy solution" (my area of expertise!!!) she said yes.

So, here we go, Julie.  I did this in Photoshop CS2, but it'll work in all versions of Photoshop and Elements as far back as I can remember.  This method uses the Gradient layer, which I've discussed a little in other tutes, particularly regarding skies.

First, I used the Lasso Tool to roughly select the background:

Comments or Questions?

If you have anything to add or ask about this article, please visit me at my Ask Damien page.